Having graduated with a Bachelors in Hotel & Tourism Management, the pandemic crisis had serious consequences for my career plan. My internship was cancelled and after sending numerous applications (left unanswered) for the scarce vacant positions in the tourism industry, I turned myself to entrepreneurship.

In the beginning, this passion for entrepreneurship came when I was working on my very first business plan that would help me validate my degree. Then, an existential crisis later, I wrote my second business plan which is the project I am currently trying to launch : a bartering app so companies and individuals can exchange goods and services.

Goods Station (the project) is meant to reduce companies’ excess inventory and to help young people to turn their hobbies into professional experiences. But barter actually has many different advantages regardless of your situation : a company can « fund » services they cannot afford, free storage, win ambassadors, have a brand new vision on their products whereas an individual can gain experience and products they might not be able to buy, and build a portfolio.

I was already labelling myself (not without a slight impostor syndrome) as «Co-Founder & CEO of Goods Station» on LinkedIn. And in 2020, still aged 19 and without any co-founder, I sent applications for many startup programs. After some interviews, the wait, then the disappointment when, in the end, my project was not accepted for any of them. Of course, I could not have stopped at the first refusal. (I sometimes tell myself that there is a fine line between being perseverant and being stubborn.) I thus took a chance on the new startup incubator founded by Maurice Levy (ex-CEO of Publicis Group) : L’Escalator.

And here I am, one year later in that incubator with more than 20 brands trying my concept (without a product, without a mockup, just the concept) by exchanging their products for skills. I even exhibited at Europe’s biggest tech event, Vivatech. It was an incredible event and that was when I met Melissa, Founder of Krippit. Now, I’m very happy to work with her at Station F (Paris) aiming to put a pair of Krippits in every handbag !

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