
  • Tips for Savvy Startup Businesses

      As a startup business, it can be challenging to turn an idea into reality. Thats why we have compiled a list of helpful tips for businesses and ...
  • New Member Of Our Team!

    Meet Emily our newest member of our team! She's our new summer intern and will be managing our social media and content! Welcome aboard and may...
  • Krippit Bling Workshop!

    Hello Everybody! I am happy to announce our new Intern Claire Zhang will be hosting a workshop on creating your own Bejeweled Krippit!  Here is t...
  • Founder of the Day : Madelaine Romero

    Madeline is the founder of Morent LLC and she believes we all have a purpose in life. Whether it is big or small, everyone has a purpose in this w...

    Summary of Blog: We are apart of London Fashion Week and it was AWESOME! Plus a pleasant surprise announcement
  • Celebrating Women!

    Hello Everyone! This month is Women history month and we would like to take this month to appreciate the women who empower us and are empowering to...
  • Star of The Day : Dana Kandalaft

    Star of The Day: Dana Kandalaft an inspiration to us all!
  • 6 Christmas Fashion Gift Ideas 2018!

      Hello Everyone! Well, tis the season again for gifts! Here is a short list of gift ideas to help you along with your Christmas shopping! - . - ....
  • Marina Rosin Levine // Guest Speaker

      Marina Rosin Levin will be sharing her story and her experiences at Vera Bradley, 411 West Broadway for NYC FIRESIDE CHAT: Fashion Startups &...
  • NYC Fireside Chat: Fashion Startups and Legal Tech

    Join us @ NYC with 2020 Startups for a Fashion Panel on November 20th! 
  • Week 4 @ 2020 Startups

    This 2020 Startup week was about pitch feedback, collaborating with investors and attracting customers.
  • Week 3 @ 2020 Startups

    Founders Day wrap. More lessons learned, as we discover ways to strengthen our marketing strategy.